Take a Break Issue 8 Answers

Take a Break Issue 8 Answers

by take-a-break |
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TAB2508 Prize Answers

Pg 3 4-Squared = Poem

Pg 5 Mega Snap = 15

Pg 12 Big Bonanza = Carrot

Pg 20 Find the Money! = Paddock

Pg 22 And Then Sum = 12

Pg 22 Now 4 Something Different = Faint

Pg 24 Big Relax = Marigold

Pg 28 Code Breaker = Blink

Pg 38 Question Time = Spanner

Pg 43 Cash = Dramatist

Pg 44 Picture Pointer = Nature

Pg 46 Starscope = Coleen Rooney

Pg 47 Supermarket Spree = Olive

Pg 50 Big Cash Stash = Buzzcut

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