We've got some fun crafts for you to try at home
Brainwaves week 5

Bright idea
Like most people, I’m concerned about the winter energy costs. To avoid switching on too many lights, I’ve been using some solar-powered lights I already had. I place the power source in a jug on my windowsill facing daylight. Then, by the evening, it’s all charged up and ready to go. It doesn’t cost a penny and makes my room nice and cosy.
Portia Brown, Foxton, Cambs

Knit and tidy
I’m an avid knitter, especially for charity. But I was always dropping my knitting and sewing needles. My patterns would fall off the chair too. Without a word to me, my husband went out to his workshop and within a short while he created the most brilliant solution. It’s a floor-standing knitting tidy, complete with pattern holder, needle storage and even a pin cushion. I think every knitter should have one!
Angela Edwards, Chippenham, Wilts

Top of the pups
I was fed up with the whiffs created in my fridge by open cans of dog food. I tried covering them with clingfilm, foil and plastic bags, but the smell always got through. Then I noticed the lid from a tub of gravy granules fitted perfectly on to the top of the tins. It worked a treat and now I have no more meaty niffs coming from my fridge.
Elaine Loftus, Hull, E Yorks

Flower girl
I had a gorgeous Laura Ashley skirt that I loved, but then the zip broke. Instead of throwing it out, I decided to re-use the material. I cut out two square shapes from the fabric, then carefully stitched them together, leaving one side open. I added a cushion pad, then closed that edge with a couple of spare buttons. Now, I have a pretty floral cushion to use.
Ann Jackaman, Norwich, Norfolk

Super store
I was fed up of my sponges and cloths being in a mess in the cupboard under the sink. I needed to find a way to keep them together. So, I bought a cheap bathroom tidy with suckers and stuck it to the inside of the cupboard. Now, all my cleaning things are neatly stored and out of sight when the door is closed.
Laura Armstrong, Stalybridge, Gtr Manchester

Wood you believe it?
We had some pallets down the side of our garage for a year. Then one day, my husband decided he was bored and needed a new project, so he got the pallets out and got to work. Using his tools, he nailed some of the pallets together to create a log store to keep our firewood dry for the winter.
Anne Allen, Crewe, Cheshire