Brainwaves weekly: home crafts

On the case
My sewing machine constantly gathered dust, but when I looked at covers online, they were really expensive. Instead, I fished out two old pillowcases that I didn't use and stitched them together, leaving an opening at the bottom. Then I popped my cover over my sewing machine to keep it dust-free and clean. Lesley Lea, Chardstock, Devon

Go with the flow
My husband Andy and I are concerned about wasting water. So whenever we turn on the taps to warm up the water for washing-up or to wash our hands, we put a container underneath to collect what we aren't using. We also pop a bucket in the shower to do the same. Then we use what we collect to water our garden. It's a great way to save this precious resource. Georgie Connew, Dorchester, Dorset

A new leash of life
I've got eight dogs and I was fed up with hoovering hair from the seats of my car. So, I got an old fitted sheet, placed it on the back seat, then cut holes in it for the seat belts. The sheet protects my seats perfectly, and I can whip it off and give it a wash whenever I need to.Brontë Hallam, Swinderby, Lincs

Herb appeal
After I'd finished burning some nice candles, I was reluctant to throw away the jars. I cleaned the remaining wax out and gave them a good wash. Then, I filled the jars with all my spices and herbs, making labels for each one. Now, I can easily see what's in my store cupboard. Amanda East, Bradford, W Yorks

Bowled Over
I wanted to keep my son Isaac, two, entertained during lockdown. So I collected nine toilet roll tubes and drew red stripes at the top of each one to make bowling pins. I used tape to create a bowling lane on the kitchen floor. Using a loo roll as a bowling ball we had hours of fun together knocking down the pins.Tara Puxley, Willenhall, W Mids

All hands on deck
My friend Erin and I had an old garden bench that had seen better days, so we gave it a makeover. First, we made a secure frame for the seat, which we then created using some spare decking wood. After screwing that down, we added a lick of paint and cushions for comfort. It was good fun for our first joint project. And this is me testing it out! Lynda Guiney, Drimnagh, Dublin