Brainwaves weekly: quick crafts

It’s a stick-up
I had a large collection of assorted beads that were going to waste. After I'd finished with a small wine bottle, I rinsed it out and gave it a good clean, then superglued the beads on to the outside. Now my decorative bottle sits in my bathroom where it catches the light coming through the window perfectly.Jenny Surridge, Shrewsbury, Shrops

Tidy twosome
My twin cocker spaniels Cherry and Blossom have so many toys, I was always tripping over them. So when I picked up a cardboard wine carrier from the supermarket, it gave me an idea. I collected up their toys and slotted them into the wine holders. The box makes a perfect toy caddy and keeps my floor uncluttered.Gillian Jackson, Todmorden, W Yorks

Good to sew
I ordered some fabric swatches to choose some new curtains. Instead of throwing the swatches away, I sewed them together with other scrap material to make a hand-stitched cushion cover. I haven't sewn since school, so I was very pleased with my handiwork!Shelley Martin, Bournemouth, Dorset

A belting Idea
My granddaughter likes to ride her bike home when I pick her up from school. But bending over to wheel it there was putting too much strain on my back. To prevent me from aches and pains, I tied an old belt around the front wheel. Her bike has stabilisers, so it meant I was able to just pull it along, without having to bend over. Now, I can wheel her bike to school with ease.Jackie Jesson, Romford, Gtr London

Tower power
I decided to make a garden feature with some leftover wooden pallets. I dismantled the pallets, sanded them down and painted them. Then, I made them into six towers of different sizes. I arranged the towers on a board and screwed them down. Finally, I filled the bottom of the board with gravel and attached matching LED lights to the top of each column. I think it looks really classy.Jacqueline Laverty, Lancaster, Lancs

Sign of the time
I love my metal wine o'clock sign, but the sun had faded it so much I could hardly read what it said. So, I decided to restore it. I carefully painted around the design with some acrylic paint. Then, once it was completely dry, I sealed it with a coat of varnish. I'm so pleased with the result. Now my sign looks as good as new!Barbara Walker, Brigg, Lincs