We've got some pallet wood creations for your to try at home!
Brainwaves weekly: Your pallet creations

Crafty kids KITCHEN
We had an old pallet in our garden going to waste, so we decided to make an outdoor kitchen for our granddaughter Lola. First, we gave the pallet some legs. Then, we added a back. On the back board, we attached some hooks where we hung cooking utensils. Lola loves her outdoor kitchen — it’ll keep her entertained all summer long.
Carolyn Currah, Rose, Cornwall

Slat’s GREAT
I had pallets left over from a landscaping project in our back garden. After I sanded and painted them, I attached them on to the garage wall. Once secured, I added fairy lights, strings of ivy and garden ornaments. They’ve brightened up a glum corner of my garden and will look bright all summer long.
Eleanor Bell, Ballyclare, Co Antrim

A merry old SOLE
We needed some extra storage space for our shoes and boots, so my hubby Bob decided to transform a pallet we had into a shoe rack. He cut the pieces of pallet wood down to size and made shelves for different sized shoes. He even made a miniature version for our daughter Emma who’s moved away from home.
Joanne Locker, Buxton, Derbys

Setting the bar HIGH
After my grandad Tom died, I set myself the task of making something he would’ve loved. I bought some pallets for £20 and got to work. I measured, cut, and fixed them together — I reused nails too. Then I painted it and added finishing touches to Tom’s Bar. I know my grandad would be proud, and it’s put me in a better place too.
Leanne Edmondson, Hull, E Yorks

My friend needed somewhere for his tortoise Sheldon to move around the garden away from the dog. So, I made him an enclosure out of an old pallet. I sanded it down, gave it a lick of fresh paint, then covered it with a layer of chicken wire. The bottom of the pallet is open, so it just needs to be lifted over Sheldon. Both my friend and Sheldon loved their new tortoise run.
Rosie Wright, North Shields, Tyne & Wear

A whole latte LOVE
I sourced some old pallets on a local Facebook group and my hubby fetched them. In my garden, I sanded them down and painted them pale green. Once they were dry, I added fairy lights, cushions and a blanket. It’s the perfect spot for a morning coffee!
Barbara Wright, Kettering, Northants
Many of us will have spare shower scrunchies knocking about, and we want to see how you’ve creatively re-used them! We’re challenging you to send us your clever, crafty shower scrunchy creations. We’ll pay for any we publish. Email them to tab.brainwaves@bauermedia.co.uk