Prioritise your heart health this Valentine’s Day with tips from registered nutritionist Anita Bean
Swap animal proteins for alternatives
Replacing animal proteins that are high in saturated fat with plant proteins, such as pulses, nuts and seeds, will help to maintain a normal cholesterol level. Other options include soya products, such as tofu, edamame beans and soya plant-based drinks, as well as mycoprotein — made from a natural micro-fungus.
Follow Heart UK’s UCLP eating plan
The UCLP (Ultimate Cholesterol Lowering Plan) is a flexible three-step eating guide to help manage your cholesterol levels and heart health. It’s available at
Get enough exercise
To keep your heart healthy, your body needs adequate amounts of exercise. The UK Chief Medical Officer’s physical activity guidelines recommend at least 150 minutes per week that leaves you mildly out of breath, or 75 minutes per week of vigorous activity, plus muscle-strengthening exercises two days per week.
Get your five-a-day
We should all try to consume at least five servings of fruit and vegetables each day. Fresh, frozen, canned or dried all count. For example, an adult serving could be one medium sweet potato, three tablespoons of peas, one slice of mango, a bowl of salad, a tablespoon of dried fruit or a handful of strawberries.
Eat more unsaturated fats
Aim to consume, in moderation, foods with heart-healthy unsaturated fats. These include oily fish, nuts, seeds, avocados, vegetable spreads and oils.