Manage My Pain
UK studies show nearly two in three adults have chronic pain. The Manage My Pain app allows you to feel more in control — you can describe your pain, track it against activities and spot patterns and trends.
Patient Access
With more than 3000 information leaflets, all written by GPs, the Patient Access app offers comprehensive advice on a vast range of symptoms, conditions and medicines. You can also use the app to link to your GP and order repeat medication, book appointments, and view or securely download your medical records.
St John Ambulance First Aid
This app has an index of emergency conditions on the home page and step-by-step instructions for every situation. You’ll never freeze in an emergency again.
Active 10
The Active 10 app encourages you to do a continuous 10-minute brisk walk every day. To get the health benefits, it’s best to walk at a pace that ups your heart rate, makes your body feel warm and gets you slightly out of breath.
Sleepio provides instant-access CBT for poor sleep and insomnia over a six-week programme.
Alcohol consumption increased during lockdown and many of us are confused about recommended limits (not more than 14 units a week for both men and women, spread over several days) and how many units drinks contain. Drinkaware has a comprehensive and easy-to-use unit calculator.