Try these tips for a more restful night
Maintain healthy blood sugar levels
Poor sleep can increase blood sugar levels, which is already a higher risk for menopausal women as a result of changing hormones. Try a small breakfast of fruit and nuts and consider swapping dairy products for plant-based alternatives.
Find your Zen
Yoga’s a great way to find your inner calm and helps to reduce stress levels. Cortisol, the stress hormone, increases when you are sleep deprived and makes it harder to drift off. Yoga is a great way to maintain physical strength and muscle tone, and it incorporates controlled breathing which improves blood circulation throughout the body, reducing the physical effects of stress.
Go to bed 30 minutes earlier
The menopause can have a direct impact on a woman’s circadian rhythm which interrupts her sleep-wake cycle. Going to bed slightly earlier and aiming to be tucked up by 10pm at least three or four times a week allows your body to get into a sleep routine.
Try a herbal remedy
Valerian root has been used for centuries as a herbal remedy to improve sleep, enabling the body and mind to relax in the lead-up to bedtime. Kalms Night One-A-Night tablets contain valerian root and can promote a nourishing night’s sleep and reduce stress or anxiety before bedtime.
Reduce caffeine intake
Drinking coffee, tea or sugary drinks has been linked to worsened hot flushes and night sweats, which can further disrupt your sleep.