A trip away left me hobbling and helpless…By Beth Duarte, 33

Noticing the slight bumps on my feet, I cringed.
‘I think I’m getting bunions,’ I told my mum.
At first the lumps didn’t bother me too much, but as time went on and they grew bigger, I’d get terrible blisters. My left foot was the worst.
Most sandals were impossible and heels on a night out were a definite no-no.
‘What’s wrong with your feet?’ someone asked me at a bar one day, making me flush with shame.
I saw a doctor, but they said an operation would put me out of action for months, so I decided against it.
In time, I settled down with my husband Ismael, and although my feet didn’t bother him, I became increasingly self-conscious.

Then, on holiday in Italy, I began struggling. All the walking over cobbled streets made my left ankle swell up. I was knocking back painkillers so it wouldn’t spoil our trip.
‘Hopefully it’ll calm down when we’re back home,’ I told Ismael.
But instead, it got worse and soon I had a permanent limp.
Concerned, I went to A&E. After an X-ray and ultrasound, a doctor said: ‘Your calf bone is fractured. We’ll put it in a splint for you.’
I was referred to an orthopaedic specialist too. He explained my bunions had forced the front of my foot so far out, my heel had to compensate.
With every step I took my calf bone bashed against the bones in my heel.
‘You’ll need to get the bunion removed or it’ll keep happening,’ he said.
It took two operations to remove the bunions and realign my foot.
The recovery was painful and with my feet repositioned, I had to learn to walk differently.
One day I’ll have to have the procedure repeated on my right foot.
But for now, I’m just pleased to be walking comfortably again.