Ever wondered where your menopause symptoms come from?
This scan shows brain activity before and after the menopause. You can clearly see the difference. Brain activity reduces by around 30 per cent when hormone levels drop after the menopause.
This is because the hormones oestrogen and testosterone are very important for our brains to function and work properly.
Many women experience symptoms such as memory problems, low mood, anxiety, brain fog and reduced motivation. These symptoms occur as a direct result of the low hormone levels in their brains — and those levels last forever, so it is essential that menopausal women receive excellent care to reduce their symptoms and improve their future health.
It’s never too late to start taking HRT. There are different types and doses available. Many women who take it find that their concentration, memory, mood and brain fog improve, while women taking HRT have a lower risk of developing dementia. They also have a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and depression.
If your symptoms are having a negative impact on your life, see a doctor who specialises in the menopause for advice, support and treatment.
For more information, visit menopausedoctor.co.uk or follow Dr Louise Newson on Instagram @menopause_doctor