You don’t need to be a superhero to protect the environment. These 22 easy changes can make a big difference, and boost your health and bank balance

1. Get on your bike
Hopping on your bike a few times a week instead of jumping into your car is a simple was to reduce your environmental footprint. Whether it’s travelling to work or popping to the shops, cycling or walking will not only help to protect our environment, but will also make you fitter and you’ll save on petrol costs too.
2. Eat sustainably
Cutting out meat is one of the best things you can do to ease climate change, as eating a veggie diet can cut your food carbon footprint in half compared with a meat diet. But you don’t have to give up meat for life to make a difference. Even by committing to at least one meat-free day a week, you’ll help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, vary your diet, and cut the cost of your weekly grocery bill.
3. Reduce your waste
Before throwing something in the bin, challenge yourself to think of ways to reuse it. For example, use a wine bottle or a jam jar as a candle holder, or use old tins as plant pots. It’s estimated that a third of all food produced in the world is lost or wasted. Keep food out of your bin by freezing leftovers or food approaching its use-by date. There are lots of foods you might not have known you can freeze such as milk, bananas, butter and some cheeses.
4. Buy energy-efficient light bulbs
Replacing traditional light bulbs with energy efficient ones will reduce the carbon footprint of your home and save money on your utility bill. Make further energy savings by turning off your computer, TV and games console instead of leaving them on standby.
5. Don’t pre-rinse dishes
It’s important to scrape food off before loading dishes into the dishwasher. But pre-washing or rinsing is a waste of water and might actually stop the dishwasher tablet working properly, as enzymes in the detergent are designed to attach themselves to food particles.
6. Use all of the paper
If you jot down a note on a piece of paper, save the rest of the sheet to use later. Print on both sides of paper, and when you’ve finished using a notebook, turn it over and begin again, writing from back to front. Once used, don’t forget to recycle. And instead of binning old newspapers, check to see if there are any local animal charities that might need them as bedding.

7. Eco wrap
Don’t bin that lovely gift bag, bow or wrapping paper. Put them aside to reuse. Or get creative and use old magazines or pictures the children have drawn to wrap a gift, and use string instead of sticky tape.
8. Cut shower time
The average shower lasts 10 minutes, using around 12 litres of water per minute. So, reducing your shower time by just one minute will save 10 per cent in water usage.
9. Use a washing line
It’s easy to get into the habit of putting wet clothes straight into the dryer. But hanging your clothes out on the line is an easy way to adopt a more energy-efficient lifestyle.
10. Buy a water bottle
In the UK, we throw away 7.7 billion plastic water bottles a year. Invest in a reusable bottle to save on plastic waste and keep money in your pocket. Taking a flask with you on days out will reduce paper waste from takeaway teas and coffees.
11. Turn the tap off
A running tap wastes approximately six litres per minute. So, make sure to turn it off while brushing your teeth, and fill up the sink when washing your face.
12. Adjust the temperature
Lowering the thermostat by just one degree can save 10 per cent on your energy use over the year. Where possible set a timer so your heating isn’t on when you’re out of the house.
13. Combine journeys
Save on petrol by running a few errands at once instead of making lots of short trips.
14. Turn off lights
Get into the habit of switching off lights when you leave a room. It’s also good practice to be aware of how many lights you have on in a room. If you have the main lights on, do you need the lamp on too?
15. Maintain your car
If the engine is running correctly, the filters are clean and the tyres are correctly inflated, your car will run more efficiently. This will reduce the amount of fuel used, cutting down on pollution and keeping money in your pocket. Also, clear out your boot, as unnecessary weight will cause your car to use more fuel.

16. Swap party cups
Instead of buying paper or plastic party cups which end up in the bin, buy reusable cups. Or visit your local charity shop where you’ll be able to pick up glasses or cups as a low price, which means you won’t be upset if they get broken. If you are using paper party cups, mark each person’s initials on their cup to avoid people forgetting which is theirs and using more than one.
17. Use e-tickets
Whether it’s airline or concert tickets, opting for an e-ticket is the most environmentally friendly choice, and it’s more convenient too.
18. Pay household bills online
Cancel your paper bank statements and register for online banking. Alongside the environmental benefits, online banking is quick and convenient, and it makes it easier for you to keep track of your finances.
19. Ditch disposables
Swap kitchen roll for washable cloths, use washable nappies instead of disposable, and try silicon bakeware instead of paper cases.
20. Donate paint
Brits fail to use 6.2 million litres of paint they buy each year. So, instead of leaving any paint in your shed to go to waste, donate it to a local community project. Visit for further details. Or, you cold offer it on a local community forum.
21. Repair, don’t replace
Whether it’s an old smartphone, computer, or kitchen appliance, next time something in your home isn’t working properly, see if you can get it fixed rather than throwing it out.
22. Don’t just throw away
Remember, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Don’t throw anything away that might be of use to someone else. Post it on local community forums or on websites such as