Family days out can be expensive. But here’s how to entertain the kids or enjoy special time with the grandkids without breaking the bank…
Get their hands dirty
Taking the kids to pick their own strawberries or other fruit and vegetables is the ideal way to pass time. It exposes them to the outdoors and helps them to understand farming and where their food comes from. It probably won’t work out cheaper than buying from a supermarket, but it’s the fun, the experience and the cute photo opportunities that make it the perfect summer activity. Once you get home, you can get the kids to help you prepare and cook up their haul of vegetables or turn the fruits of their labour into a berry pie or a tasty preserve.
Into the wild
Studies have found that playing outdoors is good for kids’ overall happiness and development — so let them run wild! There’s an abundance of green space. But you can visit the National Trust website to find places nearby that you may not have explored.
Take the kids on a scavenger hunt or give them a container and let them collect different types of bugs. Build a den or outdoor obstacle course. Gather leaves, flowers and sticks to make nature art. Or maybe make boats to race in a stream and give them fishing nets to catch and release minnows. They could even bring their paints from home to paint themselves before washing off in the water. The outdoors is the perfect place to get messy and creative. Just remember to run with your child or grandchild’s imagination. And don’t forget to pack a picnic!

Theme parks and attractions
If you’re looking to treat the kids to a theme park day, there’s no need to pay full price. There are lots of offers to help you make savings. Look out for free adult or child tickets to Merlin attractions, including Legoland, Alton Towers and Thorpe Park, with Cadbury.
Also, take advantage of on-pack promotions on Kellogg’s cereal boxes. You’ll have to enter the 10-digit promotional code printed on the box to book your tickets online. It’s advisable to pre-book.
But, whichever offer you choose, bring your promotional chocolate bar wrapper or cereal box voucher to show at the gate. For a family of two adults and two children, these offers could save you £53.
Or if you’re travelling by train, you could get two-for-one entry to attractions with National Rail’s Days Out Guide.