Ask the vet: fish, surgery, and food

Our resident vet, Dr Michael Lazaris, is on hand with expert animal advice and to answer questions about your pet’s wellbeing…

Dr Michael Lazaris

by Bianca Castro |
Published on

'Hi, I’m Dr Michael. I studied veterinary medicine and zoology at the University of Edinburgh, then completed a small animal and exotics internship and currently live in London. I work as a vet at the RSPCA’s Putney Animal Hospital and absolutely love it. Every day is a new adventure!'

My goldfish has developed white speckles all over his body. Is this dangerous?

White spot disease (or Ich disease if you’re fancy) is due to tiny parasites which cause white cysts on your fish’s skin. If caught early, White Spot can be easily treated with special products you can buy from most pet shops and aquatic shops. If left too late, the cysts can grow over the gills and affect your fish’s breathing.

My dog is anxious – and someone recommended easing her symptoms with CBD. Can it really improve a pet’s health?

There is a lot of buzz around CBD (cannabidiol-rich hemp products) in both human and veterinary medicine. Studies have shown that CBD and CBDA products can have positive effects on dogs with mobility and pain issues, like arthritis, and scientists are looking at its effects on anxiety, epilepsy and skin disease. Before you grab the nearest bottle of CBD oil for your pooch, do some research and speak to your vet, as only a few companies have tested the safety and dosing of their products on dogs. If you don’t, it could be a waste of time, money and even be dangerous for your dog.

I’ve started to catch my cat shaking her head in a way I’ve never seen before. Is she OK?

Have a look down your cat’s ears. If you see lots of wax, there could be an infection causing irritation. Even if you don’t see anything, it could be due to a foreign body (like grass seeds) or a polyp deep in the canal. Ask your vet to check both ears as soon as possible. There’s nothing worse than earache!

Ask the vet

What is the most common problem you are presented with in your surgery?

You never know what to expect at the RSPCA! We see loads of interesting cases like bone fractures, caesareans, intestinal foreign bodies and loads of stray animals that need our help. But if we’re talking about the most common thing we see, I’d have to say itchy skin and diarrhoea… oh, the glamorous life of vets!

I’m thinking of feeding my dogs a raw food diet. Any advice?

This is a hot topic right now. Lots of people advise raw meat diets for dogs on the basis of them being like wolves (i.e. meat eaters), but dogs separated from wolves genetically thousands of years ago when they were domesticated. This means they have adapted to eating meat AND starches and rely on getting many nutrients from grains and vegetables. A raw meat diet can also pose health risks to you and your pooch, such as food-borne illnesses like Salmonella and Listeria, as well as parasites. Always speak to your vet before changing your pet’s diet.

Take a Break Pets is a must-read for all animal owners and lovers, make sure to get you copy here.

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