'Hi, I’m Dr Michael. I studied veterinary medicine and zoology at the University of Edinburgh, then completed a small animal and exotics internship. I work as a vet at the RSPCA’s Putney Animal Hospital in London — and I love it!'
My cat is 15. She's in good health, but I’m terrified of losing her. How can I keep her healthy?
Older cats can develop certain health issues, such as kidney or thyroid disease, that you might not be able to notice early on. Regular vet checks for senior pets will allow them to spot any issues — they might advise a blood test too. At home you can make sure your cat gets a decent diet to maintain a healthy weight, and regular tooth brushing.
My puppy has developed little pink nodules around his mouth. What are they, and how can I get rid of them?
It sounds like your puppy might have oral warts, caused by papillomavirus. These warts don’t usually cause any issues and will eventually disappear on their own. Definitely get them checked out by your vet to make sure — they can advise you on managing the infection and whether any treatment is needed.
My cat is sneezing far more often than she used to. It’s very cute, but is it a sign of something more sinister?
Sneezing can be a sign of cat flu, which is a common infection caused by certain viruses or bacteria. It can also be caused by other things like foreign bodies getting lodged up your cat’s nose, or growths. Repeated sneezing warrants a trip to your vet, especially if there is any discharge from her nose.
I’m a chocaholic, and my dog is always trying to nab my supply. He hasn’t managed to do that yet, but what should I do if he does?
Giving your dog chocolate is a definite no-no, as it can be toxic for them and cause serious health issues. If he does get hold of some, call your vet straightaway, as he might need an urgent visit to be made to be sick and get treatment. And remember — the darker the chocolate, the higher the risk.
My hamster’s eyes have started to get stuck shut with some sort of discharge. Will it pass?
I'd start by gently cleaning your hamster’s eyes with some wet cotton pads to clear away the discharge. If the discharge keeps coming back, it might need medicated eye drops from your vet.

My daughter dotes on her pet goldfish. Recently, it’s started to change colour. Is there anything I can do?
It can be perfectly normal for your goldfish to change colour as they get older, and sometimes even their food can affect their colour. Make sure the water quality of your tank is good — as poor water quality can cause your goldfish’s shine to fade.