When Bethany went on holiday, she came home with more than just a tan…

Scanning the restaurant, my eyes locked with a tall, dark and handsome waiter.
Oh he’s gorgeous, I swooned, my stomach doing backflips.
He had kind eyes and a sweet smile, and if my flushed cheeks were anything to go by, I fancied the pants off him.
But I was too shy to pluck up the courage to do anything about it.
After my aunt had raved about her holidays to Turkey, my parents and my sister Grace and I, had flown to Icmeler for a family holiday.
Our beautiful hotel was nestled by golden sands and a sapphire sea, and we had fun eating delicious food and sipping lovely wine.
Grace was very sociable, so we spent evenings in the hotel bar having cocktails.
Most nights, the hot waiter would stop to chat to us.
Then one night, the hotel organised an evening of dancing and entertainment.
'Do you want to dance?'
I was sitting and chatting to my family when I felt someone tap me on the shoulder.
It was the waiter.
‘Do you want to dance?’ he asked, fixing me with a sultry gaze.
I found out he was called Özgür, and as we swayed across the dance floor, I couldn’t help but stare into his sexy green eyes.
A warm feeling spread through my body.
We had an instant connection and it was a wrench to break away from his embrace.
As Grace and I returned to our hotel room, a notification pinged on my phone.
It was an Instagram request from Özgür.
‘Told you he fancied you, Beth,’ my sis teased.
‘He’s just being nice,’ I said, blushing.

Over the next few days, I kept finding excuses to spend time with my Turkish delight.
We went for walks along the beach at night, just the two of us. And as my toes sank into the soft sand, we talked and talked.
We had a lot in common — we were both family-orientated and had the same sense of humour.
When it was time to fly home, I was heartbroken to leave Özgür.
What we had felt special.
Getting off the plane, I was thrilled to see a message from him.
I miss you already, it said.
Over the next couple of weeks, we kept messaging. Then, we decided to FaceTime.
I was worried our connection wouldn’t be the same over the phone, and without the exotic backdrop, but as I lay on my bed chatting away, it felt so natural.
As the days passed, we fell in love over our mobile screens.
We FaceTimed nightly, and when the tourist season finished, I booked flights to Turkey.
My tummy fluttered with nerves, but as soon as I saw Özgür’s smile, I felt at ease.
At 19, I’d never done anything so spontaneous. It was out of character for me, but it just felt right.
For the next few years, we made things work long-distance.
I would travel to Turkey whenever I could get time off work, and we video-called constantly.
If we couldn’t chat properly, we kept in touch by sending pictures of our meals — it became our thing.
My mum and sister were excited for me too.

Four years later, I returned to Turkey for another family holiday.
One evening, we were at dinner when Özgür said he had to work.
Then, sitting on the terrace overlooking the sea, I turned to see him walking over with a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
Dropping to one knee, he gazed at me.
‘Will you marry me?’ he said.
‘Yes!’ I cried, jumping into his arms.
As he placed the ring on my finger, I turned to my beaming family.
They’d fallen in love with Özgür too and had helped plan the whole thing!
But having a fiancé who lived so far away was difficult.
Then the pandemic hit and Turkey was placed on the red list.
I couldn’t see Özgür for 11 months… It was so tough.
As soon as the travel ban was lifted, I flew straight out and we spent every spare moment planning our wedding.
In time, our big day arrived. Covid restrictions meant it was a small and simple ceremony, but it was perfect for us.
Then just over a year later, Özgür moved to the UK after applying for his visa.
Now, he’s settled well and has just been promoted at work.
We’re hoping to return to Turkey soon to have a big, fat Turkish wedding in Özgür’s hometown.
As he’s the eldest son in his family, it’s tradition for the whole village to get together and celebrate.
I never thought I’d bag a hubby on holiday, but I’m so glad I took a chance.
Bethany Ciftci, 24, Surrey