‘I’ll SHOW that MAN!’ Doctor told me I was in pain because I was fat

by take-a-break |
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The doctor had dropped a clanger, but it only made me more determined. By Kerry Downey, 45

lost weight after surgeon called me fat
Me now

I looked down nervously and said: ‘I can’t have kids.’

But when I looked up again, the face opposite just smiled at me.

‘I love you for you,’ Brian said.

Aged 34, I’d met him on a blind date and we’d been inseparable ever since.

But I had a lot on my plate.

At 25, I’d been diagnosed with endometriosis and had been through endless operations to try to help with the pain.

But every month, my periods would cause me so much agony, I’d faint.

To help me get through it, I’d comfort eat bread and butter and devour takeaways, often unable to move from my bed.

I’d always been big, using my babysitting money for secret snacks when I was a teen, squeezing into a size 16 by the time I was 14.

I’d tried to trim down many times but my weight kept yo-yoing.

Now, I was a size 20-22.

I’d munch my way through up to 10 packets of cheese and onion crisps a day, as I rushed about working as a childminder.

And when my pain worsened and left me in agony all month long, Brian was my rock.

Eventually, with my health getting worse, I began having hormone injections to induce menopause.

I developed high blood pressure too, and doctors warned: ‘You’re at risk of having a stroke.’

So I decided to act.

I saw a specialist to have more treatment for my endometriosis. But what he told me left me reeling.

‘You have endometriosis because you’re fat,’ he said. ‘That’s what’s causing your endometriosis and all the pain.’

My mouth fell open as he added: ‘Next time I see you, I’d like you to be a lot smaller.’

I ran from the appointment devastated.

I was furious. I knew my condition wasn’t caused by my weight.

‘I’ll prove that man wrong,’ I told Brian.

Joining Slimming World for the fifth time, I weighed in at 15st 8lbs.

I decided to try to lose two stone.

I swapped my full English greasy fry-ups for eggs cooked in light oil spray, and when I made my famous roast, I lost the lashings of butter and milk in the potatoes.

I’d still load up my plate, but I managed to ditch the crisps.

Slowly, the weight dropped off and, with Brian’s support, I hit my goal after 11 months.

I kept going and a year later, when my 40th birthday came round, I’d lost three stone.

I felt amazing as I pulled on a size 14 floral dress for my birthday spa day with friends.

And I was even prouder when I confidently slipped into my red swimsuit.

Four months on, though, I was still in pain so I saw a different specialist who agreed to a hysterectomy — the only thing that could cure my pain.

It was a difficult decision but it was a success. Finally, the endometriosis pain was gone.

Pain-free, I was able to exercise, and I’d walk miles each day and even took up running.

And the following year, at home in Ballymena, County Antrim, Brian gave me a surprise.

He handed me my birthday card and my jaw dropped.

It read: Happy birthday to my fiancée.

‘No way!’ I shouted, as he dropped to one knee.

After seven years at Slimming World, I now weigh 10st 7lbs and I’m a size 10-12.

I’ll be so excited to slip into my dream dress for our wedding this year — pain-free and feeling fabulous.

Diet before

Breakfast: bacon and egg muffin

Lunch: Super Noodles

Dinner: spaghetti Bolognese with jar sauces

Snacks: 9-10 bags of crisps

Diet now

Breakfast: eggs and mushrooms

Lunch: homemade soup and wholemeal bread

Dinner: homemade spaghetti Bolognese with extra veg

Snacks: fruit or yogurt

Person’s stats

Height: 5ft 7in

Before: 15st 8lbs, size 20-22

After: 10st 7lbs, size 10-12

Total loss: 5st 1lb

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