I was in the middle of over 150 naked, sweaty people - and loving every second!

My husband Simon looked at me with a glint in his eyes.
‘Is this for real?’ he chuckled. ‘You’ve actually signed up for the fun run?’
‘Yep!’ I nodded. ‘I’m all in!’
But I could understand his shock.
This wasn’t your everyday race — it was a 5k naked run.
Everyone taking part would be absolutely starkers, apart for their running shoes.
The nudity wasn’t the issue, or the fact that I’d be surrounded by a load of people jogging along with their bits swinging up and down.
It was the thought of having to get off my bum and actually exercise that had put me off in the past.
But the event, run by The Naturist Foundation, was celebrating its 20th anniversary, plus Simon and my stepdaughter Lizzie, 20, had done it two years on the trot.
It was time I joined in with the fun.
'See you at the finish line!'
As I went to dig out my old trainers, I couldn’t help thinking about how much I’d changed.
When I’d first met Simon seven years before, he’d explained he was a naturist, or ‘nudist.’
I got used to him walking around the place in his birthday suit, and he went off to naked festivals and dining events.
But the thought of strangers seeing me with all my wobbly bits on show, was mortifying.
I was a past victim of sexual assault, and had a poor body image.
But, gradually, I’d started going along to events, and soon understood the sense of freedom and self-acceptance of going au naturel.
No one gave a stuff how saggy your boobs were or what blemishes you had.
And that was me — hooked!
A few weeks later, Simon, Lizzie and I drove to the race venue in Orpington, Greater London, just 20 minutes from ours.

It was based on 53 acres of private woodland, and when we arrived, lots of people were already standing in the buff, in the warm summer breeze.
Everyone was welcome, so lots of people had clothed family and friends who’d come to cheer them on.
We found a spot and got undressed.
‘Here, let me,’ I told Simon, writing his race number on his bicep in bright red lipstick.
Soon, we made our way to the start line.
‘3-2.1…Go!’ boomed the MC over the loudspeaker.
‘See you at the finish line!’ I called to Lizzie and Simon as they sprinted off.
I’m better off walking this! I thought, as I looked down at at my 34F boobs.
As I set off, a sea of bums raced off ahead.
Marching along, it felt wonderful as the breeze hit my skin, and I took in the gorgeous nature around me.

Forty minutes later, after three laps of the woodland, the finish line came into sight.
I was one of the last stragglers, but broke into a final jog for good measure.
‘Well done, you!’ Lizzie said later, as she and Simon hugged me.
The weather held out all day, and there was a real carnival atmosphere with refreshments and music blaring out.
After the trophy presentations, everyone relaxed in the sun, or headed to the sauna and the heated pool.
Later we joined Alison, the graphic designer who’d designed all the medals, and Steve the race organiser.
‘We had 169 runners today,’ Steve confirmed. ‘That’s a record — and lots of them were trying naturism for the first time.’
The following month, the club held The Great British Skinny Dip with over 100 people, and raised over £400 for the British Heart Foundation.
We’re trying to desexualise the human body, and just want everyone to feel good in their own skin.
Don’t knock it, till you’ve tried it!
Helen Berriman, 48, Bromley, Greater London.
*Helen has waived her right to anonymity
*The 5K Naked Run takes place every May and September. To find out more visit naturistfoundation.org and to go to ‘Big Events’