When my hubby went away for work, I hatched a plan. When he returned, he found a new woman waiting for him. By Jody Huerta, 28
I wrapped my arms around my husband Christopher, and let out a heavy sigh.
‘I hate saying goodbye,’
I said.
Christopher was in the military, and although moments like these had been frequent over the last four years, they never got any easier.
‘I’ll be back before you know it,’ he said, leaning down to kiss me.
I stared after him as he walked away, knowing it would be six months before I’d see him again.
But then I reminded myself of the plan I’d hatched while he was away and through my sadness, I felt a flicker of excitement.
Since having my kids Kaila, eight, and Caleb, three, I’d struggled with my weight.
Running around after them during the day, I’d just snack on biscuits, crisps and Pot Noodles.
And while I cooked healthy meals for them, I was never hungry when they ate, so I’d end up ordering myself a takeaway once they were in bed.
I could easily eat one every day when Christopher was away, because I didn’t see the point in cooking for myself.
But it meant my weight had crept ever upwards, and now I was 19 stone — a size 22.
Although I wanted to diet, I’d always find excuses not to.

Then one day, I’d seen a girl
in town wearing my dream outfit — a loose T-shirt tucked inside some high-waisted skinny jeans.
‘I wish I could dress like that,’ I’d said to Christopher.
‘You’re perfect the way you are!’ he’d said.
But I didn’t feel perfect, and despite what Christopher said,
I worried he wouldn’t fantasise about me when he was away.
Why would he, when I was so fat and frumpy?
That’s where my little plan came in. This time, I was going to use the six months he was away to transform myself.
I’d already signed up to the local Slimming World group and now Christopher was gone, I started attending the weekly meetings.
At home in Thetford, Norfolk, I’d follow their recipes to cook up healthy dinners for me and the kids, which we’d eat together.
It meant I no longer craved those late-night takeaways.
Over the next weeks, the weight began to come off.

I knew adding exercise into my routine would help too, but with two little ones to look after and Christopher away, I struggled to find time for the gym.
Instead, I started getting up half an hour before the kids to do a HIIT work-out in the living room. Some mornings that was tough. But imagining the look on Christopher’s face when he saw me kept me going.
I also bought a pair of size-18 skinny jeans and hung them on my bedroom door.
Before long, they fitted perfectly, so I bought a size 16, then a 14, and finally, I managed to get into a size 12.
I pulled up the zip on them and tucked in my shirt before turning around to face Kaila.
‘Mummy, you look so small!’ she said.
Tears welled in my eyes as I hugged her and said: ‘Thanks.’
A few days later, I FaceTimed Christopher, and when he saw my face, he looked shocked.
‘Your cheekbones look amazing.’ he said. ‘Have you lost weight?’
‘Maybe a little,’ I said, trying not to give too much away.
I couldn’t wait until he saw the rest of me.
A week before he was due back, I treated myself to a sexy new dress for the night of his arrival.
When it finally came time to pick him up from the airport, I was a bag of nerves, anxious about what Christopher would think.
I was unrecognisable since the last time he’d seen me.
Not only had I lost six stone, I’d also had my long hair chopped into a trendy pixie cut.
When Christopher emerged, the kids distracted him for a moment, running towards him.
‘Daddy!’ they screamed, as he scooped them into his arms.
Then he looked up and did a double-take.
‘Jody is that you?’ he spluttered. ‘You look amazing!’
‘I’ve been busy while you were away,’ I said, with a grin.
Later, when the kids were in bed, Christopher reaped the benefits of my transformation.
For the first time in years, I felt confident and sexy as we fell into bed together.
I’ll never forget the look on his face when he saw me for the first time.
But while I’d focused on transforming myself for him, in the end, I realised I’d done it for myself too.
I love the confident and sexy woman I’ve become, and I’ll be hanging on to her from now on!
Height 5ft 8in
Before 19 stone
After 12st 8lb
Total loss 6st 6lb
Diet before
Breakfast: bacon sandwich
Lunch: McDonald’s or Pot Noodle
Dinner: Chinese takeaway
Snacks: chocolate and crisps
Diet now
Breakfast: yogurt and fruit
Lunch: jacket potato with beans
Dinner: home-made tacos
Snacks: skinny popcorn