I’d been skirting around a very big issue until a fitting-room nightmare changed everything. By Alice Ingman, 59

Arriving home to my new flat, I headed into the kitchen to make dinner.
Opening the fridge, I selected one of the ready meals and popped it into the microwave. A few minutes and a satisfying ‘ping’ later, I was tucking in.
I’d only recently moved away from home and was loving my independence. But it had made me realise I had no idea how to cook.
Instead I’d filled my fridge with ready meals and had a drawer full of takeaway menus.
Over the next years, I began putting on weight. Every six months, I’d find myself having to buy the next size up.
But I was in denial, even when every trip to my GP added a new health problem — high blood pressure, soaring cholesterol, terrible acid reflux.

When I began getting out of breath just walking up the stairs at home, I thought: I need to get moving more.
So I downloaded the Couch to 5k app.
Setting out on my first run, my body felt heavy. But I liked the sense of achievement I felt afterwards, so I kept going.
But while I was moving more, my diet was still the same and when I went to buy some new skirts, I stood in the changing room in shock as I struggled to do the zip up on a size 20.
Back at home in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, I got on the scales and gasped when they read 18st 1lb.
‘I need to do something,’ I cried to my husband Kevin, 68.
‘Whatever you do, I’ll support you,’ he replied.
I was 46 now and I didn’t want to hit 50 in the same unfit state.
At first, a bit like my speedy ready meals, I wanted a quick diet fix. But after a string of failed attempts, I joined my local Slimming World group.
It meant finally ditching the ready meals and takeaways, and learning to cook healthy meals from scratch.
But it worked. In the first week I lost five pounds and from then on the weight kept coming off.
I kept up with my running too and worked my way up from 5k to running marathons.
By then I’d lost 8st 10lb and could slip comfortably into a size 10.
It took me a long time, but I’ve finally changed my lifestyle for good. I’m fitter, healthier and happier — and that’s the way I’m going to stay.
Height 5ft 5in
Before 18st 1lb Size 22
After 9st 5lb Size 10
Total loss 8st 10lb
Alice’s Top tip: Planning your meals in advance will really help you to stay on track
Diet before
Breakfast: toast with fried eggs, sausage sandwich
Lunch: chips, kebab
Dinner: microwave meal
Snacks: chocolate, muffins, iced buns
Diet now
Breakfast: cereal with fruit, overnight oats
Lunch: chicken and salad wrap, dinner leftovers
Dinner: home-made curry
Snacks: Crunchie bar, Halo Top ice cream with fruit