Our holiday snaps were more Tragic Kingdom than Magic Kingdom. But I was determined to get my happy ever after. By Tracie Lord, 39
As I fastened the top button of my shorts, I looked in the mirror and let out a deep sigh.
I was on holiday in Florida with my husband Stephen, but while I was enjoying the theme parks and supersized dinners in Orlando, my size 24 frame was not suited to the hot weather.
A river of sweat ran along my neck, under my armpits and down my back.
I longed to wear shorter outfits to keep cool, but I knew they would be too uncomfortable.
Instead, I covered my legs in long shorts in a bid to stop my thighs from rubbing together, but even then, a roll of fat spilt over the waistband and chafed.
As I walked around the parks, one thought kept whirling around in my mind.
Tracie, you’ve got to do something about this.

When I’d met Stephen, 15 years earlier, I’d been a size 14. But over the years, our eating habits had gone from bad to worse.
Every morning, I skipped breakfast. Then, by lunchtime, I’d feel so ravenous, I’d have to dash to the supermarket for a chicken sandwich, crisps and a fizzy drink.
Because my sarnie had salad in it, I’d tell myself it was healthy. I’d ignore the fact that, between the slices of white bread, it was oozing with mayonnaise.
Then I’d spend the afternoon snacking on chocolate and cookies until dinner, which was whatever I could find in the freezer, piled on top of a mountain of chips.
As a result, I’d just got bigger and bigger.
But it was time to stop.
Back at home in Wigan, Greater Manchester, I told Stephen my plan.
‘I’m going to change,’ I said.
‘What do you mean?’ he asked, looking alarmed.
‘I want to lose weight and get healthy,’ I said.
I didn’t want to join a slimming group, but while I knew Stephen would back me,
I still needed support.
So I tapped out a message on my phone to my closest friends.
Who wants to diet with me?
As I waited for replies, I changed our group name to: Operation stop getting fatter.
Then one by one, my friends responded.
Count me in, they all said.
Once they were all on board, I created a chart to track our weightloss progress.
But before I could start slimming, I needed to tackle my phobia of the scales.
I padded into the bathroom and pulled them out from behind the sink. I placed them flat on the floor, stepped on and tightly closed my eyes.
I didn’t dare peek until I heard a beep.
Then I looked down and gasped.
‘Oh no!’ I said.
I was stunned to find that I weighed 21st 3lb.
I can’t be that heavy, I thought.
But the scales didn’t lie.
Determined to change, I started cooking my meals from scratch.
For breakfast, I’d rustle up two fried eggs on toast. Then, at lunch, I made myself a hearty salad of avocado, grapes, lettuce leaves, chopped tomatoes, sweet potato jackets and tuna.
For dinner, I seasoned pieces of pork with salt and pepper and made home-made chips and roasted veg. I was amazed how tasty they were. And so was Stephen.
‘This is delicious,’ he’d say, clearing his plate.

If I had a wobble, my friends were there to get me back on track. And I did the same for them. With their encouragement, I started to exercise.
Stephen and I had a joint membership at the gym which we hardly used, but now I got a personal trainer and he put me through my paces.
Three times a week, I walked on the treadmill, jumped on the cross trainer and rode the exercise bike.
In just a few weeks, I’d lost two stone. I couldn’t wait to tell the girls.
‘Congratulations!’ they chorused.
Six months after I started, Stephen made the decision to lose some weight and now we’ve lost over 15 stone between us.
I’ve dropped 9st 3lb and Stephen has shed six stone.
We’ve been back to Orlando and I’ve been able to wear what I want in the sun.
I’m glad I made the change and had Stephen and my friends there to support me. If I can do it, then anyone can.
Diet before
● Breakfast: nothing
● Lunch: chicken salad sandwich, crisps and a fizzy drink
● Dinner: chicken pie with chips and peas
● Snacks: chocolate, coffee with milk and sugar, crisps
Diet now
● Breakfast: two fried eggs and two slices of toast
● Lunch: protein pancakes with dark chocolate chips
● Dinner: salt and pepper pork with avocado and grape salad and potato skins
● Snacks: fruit, cherry tomatoes
Height 5ft 11in
Before 21st 3lb Size 22-24
After 12st Size 10-12
Total loss 9st 3lb