The best dry dog food for small dogs

Keep smaller pooches happy with kibble that is the right size for their little mouths.

best dry dog food for small dogs

by Rosie Floyd |
Updated on

If you have a small, toy or mini breed, you may want to consider introducing the best dry dog food for small dogs into their diet. Every dog's nutritional needs are different so you'll want to make sure you choose a dog food that has everything your breed needs to stay happy and healthy.

Small dog dry foods are specifically designed by dog food brands with smaller bite-size pieces for small mouths and are packed with vitamins and minerals to support their development throughout adulthood. Not to mention, they’re made with tasty ingredients that will have them excited the minute their food hits their bowl. Plus, the recipes will leave dogs full and satisfied after every meal.

Best dry dog food for small dogs at a glance:

Best for giving energy: Royal Canin Mini Adult – View on Viovet
Best popular brand: Bakers Small Dry Dog Food Chicken & Veg – View on Violet
Best veterinary-approved food: AVA Optimum Health Small Breed – View on Pets At Home

Wondering why it’s important to make the switch to a small breed dog food? With guidance from Purina, here are some benefits of choosing a small breed dog food for your little pooch. First, small dogs need food that is nutrient-dense. The metabolic rate of toy and small dogs tends to be higher than large and giant breeds. For this reason, they need to have high-quality, calorie-rich and nutrient-dense food. Dog foods for small dogs are usually formulated with higher levels of protein, fat, calories and other nutrients compared to regular adult dog foods.

They also need smaller kibbles can be easier to chew. With small jaws and tiny teeth, toy, mini or small breeds may struggle to eat large kibbles found in dry food. By choosing a specific small dog food, the kibbles are usually designed to be smaller to make them the perfect size for little pooches to chomp through. And lastly, small-breed dog food can support skin and coat health. Some small dogs may benefit from extra skin-nourishing nutrients, such as vitamin A, Omega 3 and 6, and high-quality proteins. All of these nutrients help to promote healthy skin and a shiny coat, so you may find all of these present in small-breed dog food for this reason.

Best dry dog food for small dogs to keep them healthy inside and out

Best for giving energy

Royal Canin Mini AdultRoyal Canin/Viovet

Designed for breeds weighing up to 10kg, this Royal Canin Mini food is formulated to meet the energy needs of your little pup. It contains L-Carnitine to help your pooch maintain a healthy metabolism and Omega 3 to keep their coat looking shiny and glossy.

Customer review: "Very pleased with the dog food. I have noticed the difference with my dogs Health and well-being also got a good shiny coat. Seen the difference compared to what I was eating before just a little bit"


  • Complete and balanced
  • Makes sure your pooch gets all the essential nutrients they need
  • Supports the health of your dog’s skin and coat


  • Not suitable for dogs under 10 months
Food weight:4kg, 8kg
  • Ingredients: Dehydrated poultry protein, maize, maize flour, animal fats, maize gluten, vegetable protein isolate*, wheat, hydrolysed animal proteins, rice, beet pulp, minerals, fish oil, soya oil, yeasts and parts thereof, fructo-oligo-saccharides

Best gluten-free food

Scrumbles Natural Gluten-Free Food For Puppies And Adult Toy BreedsScrumbles/Amazon

Ideal for Chihuahuas, Pomeranians and other toy breeds, as well as puppies, this Scrumbles food is packed full of natural ingredients with added probiotics so it's gentle on digestion. This is a great choice for pooches with sensitive tummies as it's made without common allergens like gluten, wheat, potato, dairy, and eggs. It's also got salmon oil, which contains Omega 3 and DHA to support cognitive development.

Customer review: "Fabulous food and I always buy for my nervous girlie. Makes her stools firm and she is also a picky eater but eats every bit of this."


  • Made using human-grade meat
  • Hypoallergenic recipe
  • Packed in eco-friendly packaging


  • Some felt the kibble was a little hard for their pooch to chomp on
Food weight:2kg
  • Ingredients: 65% Chicken 29% Dehydrated Chicken, 26% Freshly Prepared Chicken, 7% Chicken Fat, 3% Chicken Stock, 18.5% Rice, 10% Oats, 2.5% Dried Alfalfa, 1.5% Salmon Oil, Vitamins & Minerals, 0.7% Whole Linseed, 0.3% Dried Carrot, 0.2% Chicory Extract source of Prebiotic FOS, 0.015% Yucca, Dried Spearmint

Best superfood

Pooch & Mutt Complete Small Dry Dog FoodPooch & Mutt

Keep your pooch feeling great both on the inside and out with Pooch & Mutt. It contains lean chicken and a host of fresh and natural nutritious vegetables including kale, spinach and cranberries so your dog's mouth will water the minute the food hits the bowl. Omega 3 and glucosamine provide joint protection while prebiotics aid healthy digestion and promote overall physical and mental health.

Customer review: "I always buy this for my Chihuahua and she loves it! She seems very healthy too and so I believe this food covers a lot of her nutritional needs. I have tried some other brands but always come back to this."


  • Includes chamomile for its naturally calming effect
  • Free from grain, cereal, gluten, GM produce, artificial flavours, colours and preservatives
  • Natural ingredients


  • Some dogs may not like the taste
Food weight:1.5kg, 7.5kg
  • Ingredients: Dried chicken (min. 26%), potato, sweet potato 17%, peas, chicken fat 9%, chicken gravy 4%, linseed 2%, salmon oil 2%, carrots 0.3%, camomile 0.2%, cranberry 0.16%, seaweed, fructo-oligosaccharides 0.1%, glucosamine 0.1%, blackcurrant 0.005%, kale 0.005%, spinach 0.005%, beetroot 0.005%, rosehip 0.005%, pomegranate 0.005%, yucca schidigera 0.005%, olive extract 0.005%

Best duck-flavoured food

James Wellbeloved Adult Small BreedJames Wellbeloved/Amazon

Combining wholesome, natural ingredients with tasty flavours, this adult small breed food by James Wellbeloved will help keep your pooch energised and in good shape. With duck as a natural protein source, plus antioxidants and prebiotics, it's tailored to the needs of smaller canines to keep their coat glossy, their skin in good condition and their tummy healthy.

Customer review: "Great little biscuits for my Pomeranian. Plus they're not smelly like her old brand of biscuits, so that's a bonus!"


  • Hypoallergenic with no added artificial colours, flavours or preservatives
  • Packed with all the vitamins and minerals your dog needs
  • Tasty flavour


  • As it's made using natural ingredients, you need to store in an airtight container to keep its freshness and taste
Food weight:1.5kg
FlavourDuck and rice
  • Ingredients: Duck Meal (25%), Brown Rice (22.5%), White Rice (17.4%), Naked Oats, Duck Fat (5.5%), Whole Linseed, Duck Gravy (2.9%), Chicory Pulp, Alfalfa Meal, Tomato Pomace, Pea Fibre, Carrots, Seaweed, Dried Vegetarian Stock, Sodium Chloride, Fish Oil, Potassium Chloride, Chicory Extract (0.1%), Calcium Carbonate, Green Tea Extract (0.053%), Cranberry Extract (0.05%), Yucca Extract, Pomegranate Extract (0.001%), Rosemary Extract (0.001%)

Best popular brand

Bakers Small Dry Dog Food Chicken & VegBakers/Viovet
Price: £3.49-£7.85

With meaty chunks and whole grains for tasty goodness, each Bakers meal contains the everyday nutrients your small dog needs. The fibre from the wholegrains helps to support digestion while the added quality protein supports muscle strength. It's also packed with antioxidants for a healthy immune system.

Customer review: "Skye absolutely demolished this food, will definitely be purchasing again"


  • Vitamin D and minerals for healthy teeth and strong bones
  • Vitamin A and Zinc to aid with skin condition
  • Omega 3 & 6 help to make coat glossy


  • Could have higher meat content
Food weight:2.85kg
Flavour:Chicken and vegetable
  • Ingredients: Cereals (wholegrains 45%), Meat and animal derivatives (16%), Vegetable protein extracts, Derivatives of vegetable origin, Oils and fats, Glycerol, Minerals, Propylene glycol, Vegetables (0.3% dried pea and 0.3% dried carrot)

Best veterinary-approved food

AVA Veterinary Approved Optimum Health Small BreedAVA/Pets at Home

AVA uses high-quality and easily digestible protein and freshly prepared ingredients to create an extra tasty kibble for your small pooch to wolf down, and it's grain-free so perfect if they've got a sensitive tummy. Omega 3 and 6 keep skin and coats in great condition while the vitamins and minerals included care for your dog's joints, teeth and bones.

Customer review: "My Chorkie is a huge fussy diva with food, you name it we've tried it. Ava is her only go to food without coaxing. We do wet it down as she prefers it that way. No complaints as long as she happy."


  • Hypoallergenic with no added wheat or wheat gluten
  • Slow-release carbohydrates as a source of energy
  • Contains MOS and FOS prebiotics to main internal body health and functional conditioning


  • Not suitable for dogs under eight months
Food weight:2kg
  • Ingredients: Chicken (46%) (Chicken Meal 26%, Fresh Chicken 12.5%, Chicken Fat 5%, Chicken Gravy (2.5%), Brown Rice (23%), Maize (19%), Beet Pulp (4%), Brewers Yeast, Salmon Oil, Whole Dried Egg, Minerals, Pre-biotic Fructooligosaccharide (1600mg/kg), Beta-glucans, Pre-biotic Mannanoligosaccharides (400mg/kg), Yucca Extract (200mg/kg), Glucosamine (200mg/kg), Chondroitin (150mg/kg), Cranberry Extract, Green Tea Extract, Pomegranate Extract, Rosemary Extract

Best for immune support

Hill's Science Plan Dry Adult Small and Mini Breed Dog FoodHill's/Viovet

Ensure your small or mini dog is getting everything they need during the prime of their life with this Hill's Science Plan food. The small kibble and easy-to-digest ingredients are made for smaller pooches while the blend of Omega 6 and Vitamin E makes sure their skin and coat look and feel great. It also contains the brand's special small and mini antioxidant blend for lifelong immune support.

Customer review: "My JRT developed skin allergies. I purchased a bag & I NOTICED WITHIN 5 days she's NOT scratching, eyes not running & she loves the flavor. She likes the small bite size too. We appreciate your product."


  • High-quality protein for lean muscles
  • Made for dogs that weigh up to 10kg when fully grown
  • Supports a healthy immune system


  • Not designed for dogs over 6 years of age
Food weight:1.5kg or 3kg
  • Ingredients: Chicken And Turkey Meal, Maize, Wheat, Brewers' Rice, Animal Fat, Digest, Vegetable Oil, Minerals, Flaxseed, Dried Tomato Pomace, Dried Citrus Pulp, Spinach Powder

Best budget-friendly option

Pedigree Small Bite MixerPedigree/Amazon

Pedigree is always popular with dog owners so we just had to include them on our round-up. This Pedigree Small Bite Mixer Dog Food is a great choice if you're looking for quality food at a low price to mix in with wet food. The small kibbles have a specially designed texture to help clean your dog's teeth and it's formulated with whole wheat, a source of complex carbohydrates, for slow energy release to keep your pup going until their next mealtime.

Customer review: "These are the perfect size kibbles for your small bread, my Lhasa is fussy about the size of kibble she eats but these are perfect mixed with a small amount of wet food."


  • Rich in fibres to support digestion
  • Contains no added artificial flavours or palm oil
  • Comes in easily recyclable packaging


  • Designed to be mixed in with wet food so you may need to buy this separately for a completely balanced meal
Food weight:1.5kg
  • Ingredients: Cereals* (including Wholegrain Wheat 4%), Meat and Animal Derivatives, Oils and Fats, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin, Minerals, *Natural ingredients

Best natural small dog dry food

Harringtons Complete Natural Small Breed Dry Adult Dog Food Lamb & RiceHarringtons/Pets at Home

This specially made Harringtons Complete Natural Small Breed Dry Adult Dog Food Lamb & Rice recipe is packed full of natural ingredients that have been carefully balanced for a smaller dog's digestive system. Flavoured with lamb for a great source of protein with a delicious chicken gravy inside and outside to get your hound's tail wagging. It has added FOS to help maintain healthy digestion and yucca to help reduce unpleasant odours from flatulence.

Customer review: "After lots of trial and error with our smaller dog who has become sensitive to foods. This has been a win, she has minimal teeth so the small size biscuit is great and no more stomach issues after switching to this product. We used both flavours for the small adult dog and it's been great for her"


  • Natural ingredients
  • A great source of protein
  • Added Prebiotic FOS to help maintain healthy digestion


  • Not very big pack size so you may run out quickly
Food weight:1kg
Flavour:Lamb & Rice
  • Ingredients: Lamb and Meat Meals 26% (6.5% Dried Lamb*19.5% Meat Meals), Rice (21%), Maize, Barley, Maize Protein, Poultry Fat, Freshly Prepared Chicken (4%), Beet Pulp, Linseed, Poultry Gravy (0.5%), Minerals, Seaweed (0.1%), Dried Chicory (0.1%), Yucca Extract (0.01%)

Best for senior dogs

Little Paws - Golden Years Dry Dog FoodBarking Heads

Even small seniors enjoy dog food with a tailored kibble size as they approach their twilight years, thanks to the Little Paws - Golden Years Dry Dog Food from Barking Heads. Your golden oldie will be chowing down on a recipe that provides slow-release carbs, essential vitamins, minerals and beta-glucans when they've got this in their bowl. This adapted nutrition will fuel your small senior's energy needs as well as support their immune defence and vital organ functions as they age gracefully.

Customer review: "My dog likes this. It is good to get both a senior biscuit in a small kibble where most brands you have to choose one or the other."


  • Recipe ensures your small senior has everything they need as they age
  • Supports joints and helps maintain a healthy weight
  • Natural ingredients


  • Although the kibble is small, one reviewer has said that the kibble has gotten bigger since Barking Heads changed its recipe
Food weight:1.5kg, 6kg
  • Ingredients: Chicken 50% (23% Freshly Prepared Free Run Chicken, 23% Dried Chicken, 4% Chicken Gravy), Rice (26%), Barley, Potato, Peas (8%), Oats (6%), Lucerne, Minerals, Salmon Oil (1%), Yeast Products (1000mg/kg), Chicory Root Extract (FOS 1000mg/kg), Seaweed, Glucosamine (500mg/kg), Dried Carrot (500mg/kg), Mixed Herbs (Peppermint, Rosemary, Oregano & Thyme 500mg/kg), Beta Glucans (300mg/kg), Chondroitin Sulphate (150mg/kg)

Best luxury dry dog food for small dogs

Lily's Kitchen Dog Chicken, Duck & Sweet Potato Small Breed Dry FoodLily's Kitchen/Amazon

Lily's Kitchen Countryside Casserole Dry Food has been a firm favourite with fluffs and their owners for years, but now the brand has created a version made with smaller hounds in mind. It's still made with the delicious blend of freshly prepared meat, fruit, veg and herbs loved in the original recipe but with a smaller kibble so pint-sized puppers can get their gnashers around it more easily. It contains the required essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals your little one needs, helping them to be happy and healthy.


  • Popular recipe made for small dogs
  • Contains freshly prepared meat, fruit, veg and herbs
  • Full of essential nutrients vitamins and minerals


  • As a new version of a much-loved recipe, it sells out quickly so there's currently a bit of a wait for delivery
Food weight:2.5kg
FlavourChicken, Duck & Sweet Potato
  • Ingredients: 42% Chicken & Duck: Fresh Chicken (31%), Freshly Prepared Duck (8%), Chicken Liver (3%). Sweet Potatoes (29%), Whole Peas (6.5%), Whole Lentils, Pea Protein, Flaxseed, Egg, Potato Protein, Chicken Gravy, Minerals, Botanicals & Herbs* (1%), Salmon Oil, Prebiotics (Mannan Oligosaccharides 1.3g/kg, Fructooligosaccharides (0.8g/kg), Carrots, Apples, Joint Care Mix (Glucosamine 175mg/kg, Methylsulfonylmethane 175mg/kg, Chondroitin Sulphate 125mg/kg), Cranberries, Spinach. *Botanicals & Herbs: Alfalfa, Chickweed, Cleavers, Goldenrod, Nettles, Seaweed, Dandelion Root, Celery Seeds, Milk Thistle, Burdock Root, Marigold Flowers, Rosehips

Best for nutrients

Pro Plan Small & Mini Everyday NutritionPurina/Viovet

Specially formulated in a more effective way for dogs to absorb the nutrients they need for their dry food, the Pro Plan Small & Mini Everyday Nutrition is packed full of goodness for your little one. The concentration of the nutrients supports a faster metabolism of smaller dogs and also helps support their joints for their active lifestyle. A natural source of fibre, the recipe is clinically proven to help improve intestinal health as well as aid dental care by reducing tartar accumulation by 36 per cent. Not forgetting, it's also good for a healthy heart, too.

Customer review: "Got small and mini in adult for Jac - he is a JR x Shihtzu. Food is small-sized kibble -has a meaty smell. Jac was interested as soon as the packaging was opened and happily got stuck in. Normally he leaves his biscuits in the bowl all day but he didn't leave these. He seems to have plenty of energy and his fur and teeth are in good condition. The food seems to agree with his tummy he can sometimes be a bit sensitive and get wind/diarrhoea for different foods - however haven't noticed any of this on this food. Overall very pleased with the food and will continue to feed Jac it"


  • Packed full of nutrients
  • Good for heart health
  • Reduces tartar build-up


  • Could have a higher meat percentage
Food weight:3kg, 7kg
  • Ingredients: Chicken (20%), Wheat, Dehydrated poultry protein, Maize, Rice (7%), Animal fat, Soya meal, Dried beet pulp, Maize gluten meal, Wheat gluten meal, Minerals, Dried egg, Fish oil, Digest, Yeast

Best for bone and muscle health

Iams Small & Medium Breed Dry Adult Dog FoodIAMS/Amazon

Enriched with essential minerals and Vitamin D and containing an antioxidant blend with Vitamin C and E, the Iams Small & Medium Breed Dry Adult Dog Food supports strong bones and a healthy immune system. The high-quality animal protein in this recipe not only provides an irresistible taste for your pooch while supporting your pet's overall health, but it's especially good for their muscle health.

Customer review: "I have bought so many different foods for my 7 dogs! And spent an absolute fortune! ALL my dogs eat this and love it! A 12 kg bag lasts 7 dogs 6 weeks on 2 meals a day! Making it really cheap to feed them! It's easily digestible for them as the pieces are really small. And empty bowls each time must mean they enjoy it!"


  • High-quality animal protein
  • Supports strong bones, muscles and immune system
  • Crunchy kibble shapes with tailored mineral levels


  • As it's a big bag, you'll need to make sure you've got somewhere to store it properly as it might go stale before your dog finishes it
Food weight:12kg
  • Ingredients: Dried chicken and turkey 30% (including chicken 18%), maize, maize grits, barley, animal fat, fresh chicken (4.8%), sorghum, dried beet pulp (2.9%), chicken gravy, minerals (including sodium hexametaphosphate (0.38%)), fructooligosaccharides (0.21%), brewer's dried yeast.

Best hypoallergenic dry food for small dogs

Royal Canin Veterinary Hypoallergenic Small Breed Adult Dry Dog FoodRoyal Canin/Pets at Home

If you believe your small pup has an intolerance or allergy of some kind, the Royal Canin Hypoallergenic Small Dogs contains a hydrolysed soya protein isolate which reduces the likelihood of triggering an allergic reaction in your dog, thanks to its low molecular weight. It also helps to support the natural protective barrier role of your dog’s skin and includes specific nutrients that contribute to maintaining good oral health. This food is a great option to feed your pup during a food elimination trial, but you should run it over with your vet before switching your hound to it.

Customer review: "Have bought this on the recommendation of our vet, due to a possible food allergy. Ted loves it, and he is no longer having issues with his ears, so has presumably done the trick!"


  • A good choice for elimination diets
  • Great for skin and oral health
  • Hypoallergenic


  • Should only be fed based upon the recommendation of your vet
Food weight:3.5kg
  • Ingredients: Rice, hydrolysed soya protein isolate, animal fats, minerals, hydrolysed poultry liver, soya oil, beet pulp, fish oil, fructo-oligosaccharides, borage oil, marigold extract (source of lutein). Protein sources: hydrolysed soya protein isolate, hydrolysed poultry liver. 


Can small dogs eat regular adult dry dog food?

There's nothing stopping your small dog from eating regular adult dry dog food, but it might not be ideal. The kibble size in food made for smaller dogs is designed to be the perfect size for their jaw and teeth.

Regular dry dog food tends to have larger pieces so your pooch may struggle to bite into it. If they do manage to bite through it, the larger size can still be harder for them to digest once they've swallowed it. Buying dry dog food made for smaller dogs may avoid any digestion or tummy issues.

If you're worried about digestion, it may also be a good idea to look for a grain-free dog food or a hypoallergenic one. These are formulated without many of the common ingredients that dogs can have allergies and intolerances to. Just be sure to check the ingredients on the back if you're worried about feeding your dog something they shouldn't have.

Is wet or dry food better for small dogs?

We’ve listed all the best dry dog food for small dogs in this roundup, but you may be thinking to yourself whether it’s best to feed your pooch dry or wet dog food. There are certainly benefits to both.

If your pooch has dental issues, they may find that wet food is easy for them to swallow as it doesn’t require as much breaking down as dry food. Although that being said, dry food can actually help with their dental health and your dog may prefer the crunchy texture of dry food.

It’s also easy to portion control with dry food as it can be weighed straight out of the bag or box to the exact amount your pooch needs. If you’re worried about your small pooch gaining weight, this may be the best option for you. Wet food tends to come in pre-portioned packets or tins so if you only need a little bit for your dog, it’s harder to keep fresh than dry food.

Of course, it doesn’t have to be one or the other. You could feed your pooch a mixture of dry food and wet food. Just make sure you’re not overfeeding them. If you’re unsure how much to feed your dog or want more advice on the best type of food to give them, speak to your vet.

Rosie Floyd is a Pets, Homes and Garden Product Writer for Take A Break Pets, specialising in all things dogs. She grew up always having at least one dog as part of the family and has experience in owning a variety of breeds, including Labradors, Cockapoos and Yorkshire Terriers.

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